White Street Market: Who is that woman behind that blog?

Thursday, May 1, 2014

Who is that woman behind that blog?

I always find it refreshing when a blogger I admire - one who seems to have it all together (perfect life, perfect family, perfect career) - writes about what is really happening behind the pictures of a clean house and an organized pantry.

I thought it would be a great idea to let you in on some of my deepest, darkest secrets (and some of my redeeming qualities), and show you that I'm pretty real, and have some R E A L issues too:).

I am a 42 year old mother of one daughter, Emma, and wife to my best friend, Todd. I am 6'1" tall, and while I used to be self- conscious about that, I now embrace it. I am hoping to teach my daughter the same. I'm pretty sure she will surpass me in height, and I want her to be comfortable in her own skin.

I grew up in Iowa, but have also lived in Nebraska, , South Dakota, Minnesota, and Florida. I currently live in Chicago,IL, where I work as an interior designer and help my mom run our home decor and window treatment store, White Street Market.

I like to have my fingers in lots of projects, so right now I am in involved in rehabs/redesigns/new construction/painting furniture/social media marketing/and more.

I am sarcastic. Period. If I'm talking, I'm making a smart comment. You will probably notice it in my writing. It's who I am:).

I am bossy. My mom can attest to that. Right, mom?

I am a procrastinator. The good thing about that is I do my best work at the last minute. Even when I try to plan, it's never as good as what I pull together at the 11th hour. The downside: I stress myself (and others) out...

I am not good at crafts. Crafts make me crazy. Messy crafts drive me batty. Glitter + glue= straight jacket

I'm a good listener when it comes to design. I can look at your house, ask you 10 questions, and have a pretty good idea of your style and how you live. I am a bad listener when it comes to remembering names and other vital information. (Does the good even out the bad? Just a little bit?) 

I STRONGLY believe that there is no one style that fits everyone. I know everyone can use a little sparkle, a little vintage and a little sleek in their decor.

I am the paint color whisperer. Show me a room and I will have a color palette for you in minutes.

I have a fear of being late. When my family goes to an event, I am always the first one there to get seats. They don't even worry about where they are going to sit. I'll be there a few hours ahead of time so they are in good hands :).

I am not a fan of crowds and loud noises. Pretty sure I am having a panic attack just typing that.

Most of all, I love to design. And I love to design. Did I say I love to design? There is nothing I would rather do. I am hoping that through this blog I can bring my love of design to a larger audience by offering virtual design boards, advice and tutorials.

So now that you know my deepest, darkest secrets, please don't hold them against me.

Sweet design dreams:),
White Street Market


  1. I love to read this about you. Surprised to learn you were uncomfortable being tall, it doesn't show, plus you don't slouch as most people our height do. I say, stand tall and be proud,( as my mother would slap between my shoulders if she saw me slouch.) Great photo of you and Emma too. Thanks for sharing your deep dark secrets. I think it makes you more approachable. Maybe you and Emma will open a shoe store for tall women some day. That was always a thought for me and my daughter. She has no interest...yet. LOL!!!

  2. Thanks Kim! I know you can relate. I think I was about 21 when I figuredout it was pretty awesome to be tall! I find myself telling Emma to sit up or stand straight all the time. Poor thing:).
