White Street Market: {Build Your Own Room #1} Rainbow Nursery

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

{Build Your Own Room #1} Rainbow Nursery

Over here at White Street Market, we believe in good design that is accessible and affordable. Say WHAT?? Yes, it's true and possible.

One of our newest features will be a series titled "Build Your Own Room". We'll start by creating design boards that will showcase some favorite themes or color schemes for all genres. Baby, Tween, Adult, and everything in between. Kitchens, bedrooms and some laundry rooms too! Sometimes we will have a budget, and then other times, it might fun to get whatever the heck we want.

We'll give you an inspiration board - a showcase of each item that you can use to pull this look together. Next, you will get a view of a completed room using some of the elements listed. Finally (this is the accessible part), a comprehensive list of each product and where you can get it. Oh, yah, and we might even LINK to it. That's called instant gratification, and that's how I roll.

It might be something we carry, or something from a cute boutique we have come across. It's likely that it came from a well-known store near you, so you can head out on a shopping trip in your totally redone hip Airstream motorhome  - oh, wait, hold on, that's my dream. Is it yours too?

Either way, we'll tell you how to get it. Around these parts, we call that BYOR - or Build Your Own Room (I just made that up right now - brilliant :)).

Our goal is to show you these concepts, some great ideas and starting points. Our PLAN is to do these to suit your budget/theme. You'll be able to submit your special requests, color palette (if you have one), specific needs, likes/dislikes, and budget. For a small fee, we'll come back to you with a package just like this. We are still working on the details of that, but for now, we have quite a few ready to go and wanted to jump in and show you what we can do!

Here we go!

Inspiration Board

 Room Perspective

Product List and Links to Build Your Own Room

Sweet Rainbow Dreams:)
from White Street Market

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