White Street Market: 2014

Monday, June 9, 2014

{Tips from the Trades} Let's talk about lamps, baby...

Lamps, you say? What could there be to talk about? Seriously?

Let me tell you, there are a ton of things to consider when purchasing a lamp. It doesn't matter if it is a $30 lamp or $300 lamp, you have to think about what that lamp is going to do for you.

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

{Build Your Own Room #1} Rainbow Nursery

Over here at White Street Market, we believe in good design that is accessible and affordable. Say WHAT?? Yes, it's true and possible.

One of our newest features will be a series titled "Build Your Own Room". We'll start by creating design boards that will showcase some favorite themes or color schemes for all genres. Baby, Tween, Adult, and everything in between. Kitchens, bedrooms and some laundry rooms too! Sometimes we will have a budget, and then other times, it might fun to get whatever the heck we want.

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

{Chalk Paint® Tutorial} Gilding Wax + Clear Wax = A New Technique

Here we go with a FAB U LOUS tutorial on how to take your waxing technique to the next level.

This is an advanced technique, so I'm literally jumping right into the nitty gritty. I'm assuming that you already know how awesome Chalk Paint® decorative paint by Annie Sloan is, and that you know how to find your nearist stockist for all the basic info and supplies. If you don't, then stay tuned for some basics tutorials down the line. 

First, a sneak peek at the finished project. Drum roll please........

Friday, May 9, 2014

{Tips from the Trades} Choosing Granite Countertops

While it's fun to be an interior designer, and it's always rewarding to show off those amazing "after" shots, there are a ton of decisions that are made to get from Point A to Point B. It's not always a glamorous life, and I certainly don't just order it up and watch someone else do the work. I'm usually in the trenches with my level, hammer and toolbox(super stylish tool box - a girl still needs to keep her style going).

Monday, May 5, 2014

{Piece by Piece} Leann's Bedroom

So let's get Monday rocking with a little ditty I like to call "Piece by Piece". This will be a regular feature and it's chock full of info to help you find the products you see in the room, or just give you some design inspiration. Questions are welcome if you need more specifics.

Most of these will be rooms I have done, but as we grow, we'll take some reader submissions, or create personalized "piece by piece" segments based on requests. I'll also include a budget breakdown at the end. So exciting!! Let's get started...

Leann's Bedroom

One of my favorites for the cutest little blue-eyed, brown-haired girl you ever did see. At 6 years old, she was all girl, all hot pink, and all frills. Now she can dress up in her vintage hats and TWIRL TWIRL TWIRL in front of those mirrors. (I've been watching too many episodes of Real Housewives).

Mom and Dad wanted a room that would grow with her. No over the top themes or toddler decor. Something that would take her into her early teens. This room was a combination of re-purposed items and brand-spanking new items. We did have a budget, so we invested heavily into the bed and drapes, and used our creative genius to put the rest together. 'Cuz that's we do:). BAM!!.

Thursday, May 1, 2014

Who is that woman behind that blog?

I always find it refreshing when a blogger I admire - one who seems to have it all together (perfect life, perfect family, perfect career) - writes about what is really happening behind the pictures of a clean house and an organized pantry.

I thought it would be a great idea to let you in on some of my deepest, darkest secrets (and some of my redeeming qualities), and show you that I'm pretty real, and have some R E A L issues too:).

I am a 42 year old mother of one daughter, Emma, and wife to my best friend, Todd. I am 6'1" tall, and while I used to be self- conscious about that, I now embrace it. I am hoping to teach my daughter the same. I'm pretty sure she will surpass me in height, and I want her to be comfortable in her own skin.

Sunday, April 27, 2014

White Street Market - The blog is back in town!

Hello? Is anybody reading? We hope you are, because we are back and ready to get this show on the road.

Yep, we took a loooooong break (over 2 years to be exact), but we haven't just been sitting around. Ummm, nope! Here is what we have been up to:

1) We have moved to a new bigger, better, cooler location. It's got tons of windows has a cool urban vibe. Not your typical strip mall store anymore. We took it to another level.